Matrix Medical Imaging

X-rays are still the most commonly used form of medical imaging. Our clinics are equipped with the latest low-dose digital radiography suites.

Ultrasound employs harmless, inaudible soundwaves to evaluate the organs and soft tissues of the body. Our dedicated team od sonographers have extensive experience in a variety of specialties including obstetric, paediatric, musculoskeletal and vascular scanning.

Our scanners employ the latest dose modulation technology to provide exceptional imaging quality at minimal dose. Each scanner is now wider and more open than ever, and capable of imaging patients at speed.

Injections for pain relief are a common, safe and effective option for a variety of musculoskeletal conditions. Our highly qualified and experienced specialist radiologists and technologists perfom these procedure under the guidance of ultrasound or CT to ensure safe and precise delivery of treatment.

Dexa, or bone mineral density (BMD) scans are used to measure the density of bones in order to diagnose osteoporosis. Extremely low dose x-rays are used to determine the density of the hip, lumbar spine, and wrist. This allows doctors to diagnose osteoporosis, and track skeletal health as we age. 

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a scanning technique that provides pictures of the body without using radiation. Powerful magnets and radiofrequency waves are used to image your body without the need for x-rays. 

An orthopantomogram (OPG) uses low-dose radiation to create a panoramic image of the upper and lower jaw. Dentists and orthodontists use them to detect cavities, severe gum disease and bony abnormalities in the jaw, and to check tooth position.